Immigration Voice applauds Sen. Coons and Sen. Alexander for introducing the bipartisan bill, Sustaining our Most Advanced Researchers and Technology  (SMART) Jobs Act of 2012.

SMART Jobs Act of 2012 is an extremely well-thought-out solution for promoting innovation and competitiveness in the United States. It has all the sensible ingredients to help the economy;  preserve the best minds in the United States so that new businesses and plentiful jobs can be created, right here in the US.

The key highlights of the SMART Jobs Act of 2012:

  • Students pursuing masters or doctoral degrees in STEM fields in the United States may enter the U.S. on a new non-immigrant visa.
  • Following the completion of their degrees, students will have one year during which they may continue to reside legally in the U.S. while seeking a job in a STEM field.
  • After securing full-time employment in a STEM field, graduates may have their status adjusted to Legal Permanent Resident.

The members of Immigration Voice across the country appreciate the leadership of Senator Coons and Senator Alexander for introducing a bipartisan Jobs Act of 2012.